Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 4

Here is a peek at our week!

Reading Workshop
Drumroll please...........  we built 10 minutes of independent reading!!!!!!!!!!  We are so excited!  We have been working hard to keep our minds and eyes in the books we read.  We know we can tell a lot about the story by reading the pictures. 

During our shared reading time, we read books with simple patterns using many of our word wall words (a, see, like, the, I).  We practiced reading from left to right and pointing to each word as we read.  

We also began using the picture to help us read the unknown word.  We practiced this by playing 'guess my hidden word'.  Mrs. Hogue covered up a word, and we had to figure out what the word was by using the picture.  Then we checked by looking at the first letter.

We also learned this week about our first reading center- listening to reading.  We used an ipad app called Epic Books.  This app lets us choose stories that are read to us!  We are excited to continue this next week. 

Writing Workshop
This week we took our oral stories and put them to paper!  We each got a booklet and told our stories through pictures across the pages.  Then we shared them with each other!  Great job kindergarten friends!

During our handwriting and fine motor time we continued reviewing capital letter formations.  We focused on the 'frog jump' capitals- F, E, B, P, M, and N.  Kindergarteners should begin these letters at the top.  When they get to the bottom, they 'frog jump' to the top and continue the letter.  Please encourage your kids to write the correct way at home!

We had fun using hole punchers as one of our fine motor bins!  If you're wondering why your child came home with punched paper this is why :)

Phonics Workshop
We had a big week in phonics!  We learned how we all know our names by heart- not just the letters, but also how to write them!  When we know something by heart, we can do it much quicker.  We can also teach others!

We also had fun playing with our names to a silly song called the name game :)  We changed the first letter of our names to make a silly name!  So many giggles filled our room!

Math Workshop
This week we explored 10 frames!  We practiced seeing and counting dots.  We also matched ten frames to numbers.

During our work place time we learned a new game called 'Beat You to 5'. We spun a spinner, counted cubes and placed on our playing mat.  The first one to 5 wins!

Week 3

The highlight of our week was signing the steel beam that will be put up in the new addition of our school!

Reader's Workshop
We continued building our reading stamina this week.  We read for 9 minutes!!  Great job kindergarteners!

This week we also learned about our book bins.  These bins will hold our "just right books" that we will read during Read to Self.  We also learned how to choose a reading spot that is best for us.

Writer's Workshop

This week we studied two wordless books.  We realized that writers can tell stories just through their pictures!
Image result for the boy with the bike book 
 Image result for the boy with the airplane book

We all have LOTS of stories to tell!  We practiced oral story telling this week.  We thought of a story and practiced telling it in order using lots of details.  

We continued to study names this week! We added some more names to our 'name chart'.  When we learn names we are focusing on studying the letters, counting the letters, noticing tall/short letters, and counting the beats (syllables).

This week we also learned there are two kinds of letters-vowels and consonants.  We worked in small groups to search for vowels around the room!  We also figured out how many vowels were in our names!

Math Workshop
We continued building our understanding of 5 groups.  We learned that our 5 frame can be made up of different amounts of blue and red dots.  For example, 4 red dots and 1 blue dot equals 5.  So does 3 red dots and 2 blue dots.  We are working on subitizing...this means we are able to quickly see dots and know how many there are.  This is an essential foundational skill to understanding addition and subtraction.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 2

Happy Friday the 13th! (and full moon!)  We had a great first full week of Kindergarten!  Check out what we were up to!

Reading Workshop
We are readers!  We learned this week that all of us CAN read!  There are three ways we can read books:
1.  Read the pictures
2.  Read the words
3.  Retell the story

We practiced these ways of reading as we learned how Kindergarteners Read to Self.  When we follow these expectations we are working to build our stamina.  Stamina is how long we can do something without stopping.  This week our class built 2 minutes of reading stamina! Way to go

Writing Workshop
This week we worked on writing our names by creating two new class books!

We also worked on writing our letters through our handwriting centers.  We are working HARD to start our letters at the top and write them the Kindergarten Way!


Meet Mabel!  She is helping us learn and study names and letters!  We are studying the names of the friends in our class.  This week we studied Mabel's, Milo's, and Max's names!  We noticed how many letters are in their names, if the letters are tall or small, and if the letters are all different or if some are the same. 

We are working to learn our letters and the sounds they make.  When we learn letters we name them, say their sound, write them, and use them!  Pretty soon we will have many letters we can 'pull out of our pocket' to use at any time :)

We sorted picture cards into 2 groups- pictures that start with M and pictures that do not start with M.

Word Wall Word
We added our first word to our word wall this week- THE!  We practiced writing and finding this word in our books.

Math Workshop

This week we began math by studying and sorting shoes! This activity gave us many opportunities to count as we discussed the different features of  shoes and sorted them by attributes.  We counted our groups and determined which group had more and less.

After our mini lesson we moved into our workplaces.  Check out what we did this week!

Pattern Blocks
Unifix Cubes

  • We have library every Wednesday. Please be sure to have your child return his/her book that day.
  • Check out Parkview's weekly update:
  • We provide snack each afternoon.  These are purchased from the snack fee you paid during registration in Skyward.  Please do not send any other snacks with your children.  We have to make sure any food entering the classroom is safe.  

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Week 1

We had a busy first week!  We learned how to show Parkview Pride by participating in our Bullpup Bonanza.  We went to different areas of our school and learned how to be safe, respectful and responsible!

We also talked about showing Parkview Pride in our classroom.  We talked about expected and unexpected behaviors. Then, we created a social contract.  We signed our contract as a promise to follow these expected behaviors. 

We also learned how to use the tools in our table caddies.  In our classroom we share our supplies.  We have to be respectful and responsible when using our supplies.  To learn how to use our supplies, we made some fun projects.  The purpose of the projects was to learn how to appropriately use scissors, glue, pencils, crayons, and markers.  These projects also were good practice for following directions.  Check them out!

Image result for melonheadz hands


We could use a few items for our Kindergarten room!  These materials will be used in our fine motor centers to help build strong fingers!
-bags of pompoms (these can be found at the Dollar Tree in the craft section)
-bags of colored popsicle sticks (these can be found at the Dollar Tree)
-hole punchers 
-child sized scissors 
-clothes pins