Monday, October 28, 2019

Week 8

Week 8

Writing Workshop
This week we revised and published our favorite teaching book!  We looked at a Kindergarten writing checklist that showed us everything that should be in our books.  Then, we worked to fix up our pieces or add more to make it ready to share.  We are SO proud of these.  The pieces were sent home on Friday.  Please read it with your child and return the piece to school.

We added two new names to our name wall this week- Ollie and Otis!  These are characters from books we have been reading.  These names will help us as we write words with both the short and long O sound.
Image result for ollie olivier dunrea  

Image result for otis tractor
We ended the week celebrating all we learned about letters, sounds and words!  We went around and read everything we could find in the classroom.  We chanted "WE ARE READERS!"  

 Math Workshop
We continued representing numbers this week by using tally marks.  We used popsicle sticks to show groups of 5.  We practiced counting four sticks, and then crossing the 5th stick to make 5.

We played bingo on Thursday.  Mrs. Hogue 'flashed' tally cards (that means she showed them quick and then puts them down) and we had to cover that number up on our boards.  

Reading Workshop
We continued to focus on using the pictures and the words in our books to read and retell stories during independent reading time.  Many of us are starting to notice our snap words in the books we read.  

We had so much fun at our fall celebration on Friday!  Check out the video below :)  Thank you to everyone who volunteered and sent in yummy treats!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Weeks 6 & 7

Happy Fall everyone!  The weather is turning colder and all children need to make sure they have appropriate outdoor clothes for recess.  I also strongly suggest labeling all your child's clothing.  Many kids have the same mittens, hats, etc. so it is easy for items to get mixed up.

I also am asking that you practice putting on all outdoor gear with your child.  Zipping those jackets can be very tricky for little hands.  I am always helping as much as I can, but that more your child is able to do independently the quicker we can get outside!
Also, it is extremely helpful that your child wears shoes to school that he/she can manage taking on and off independently.  

Here is a peek at what we have been up to in Kindergarten!

Math Workshop
We are continuing to recognize and represent numbers to 10.  Using the ten frames (picture below) help us to develop our number sense. We are able to mentally see numbers in different ways.  In the example below, we may see the number 8 as 5 and 3 more.  We can also see it as 2 less than 10.  Seeing the 'parts' of numbers is an essential foundational skill for adding and subtracting.  

We also began exploring Rekenreks (also called Number Racks) this week!  A Rekenrek is a math tool made up of 2 strings of 10 beads.  5 red beads followed by 5 white beads. Like a ten frame, rekenreks help us see numbers in relation to 5 and 10.  We call these 'friendly numbers'.

Writing Workshop
We are continuing to write about things we know or things we care about.  This week we began writing teaching books.  We thought about all we know about a topic and worked to stretch our writing over multiple pages- just like authors of nonfiction books!  We are also continuing to label our writing by stretching the sounds we hear.  At this point in the year it is expected that children can label just the beginning sound.  Many are also including the ending sound, and some are starting to include middle sounds!

Phonics Workshop

We took all our names and put them on the name wall!  We are starting to relate the sounds we hear to the sounds in our friends' names! I love watching the kids use this wall during reading, writing and even choice time!

This week we also added the names Wishy-Washy and Golidlocks! We are adding characters names to our name wall when we don't have a name to fill that letter.  We are continuing to stretch out sounds we hear and use our name wall to help us write the letter.  



We also learned the new word wall word my.  We also call these 'snap words' because they are words we want to be able to read and write in a 'snap'. On Friday we used some snap words to write sentences! Check it out!

Other important information:
-Turkey projects were sent home last week!  Please be sure to check your child's folder.  Let me know if you child's project didn't make it home!  If you need any ideas type this project into Google or Pinterest and TONS of ideas will pop up :)  
-Spooktacular is this Friday evening.  It is going to be TONS of fun!  
-Thursday Folder information
-If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, please send me an email.  I'd love to start having some volunteers in the next couple of weeks. (We have to make sure background checks are cleared first!)  We will find a day/time that works best for your schedule (one time or on a regular basis).   If you are unable to volunteer in the classroom but would still like to help I always have things that can be prepped/cut out at home.  Let me know if you are interested in that too! 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Week 5

Here is a peek at our first week together in October!

Reading Workshop
This week we were introduced to reading centers!  These centers will reinforce concepts learned in reading, writing, and phonics workshop.  The goal of these centers is for children to be able to work independently.  Soon this will be the time when Mrs. Hogue meets with small groups of readers!

Listen to Reading
We continued this center that was introduced last week.  We can now get our headphones and iPad and independently log on to Epic! books. This is a great app full of books that are read to us as we follow along.  There are a lot of fiction and nonfiction choices!  This is definitely a favorite center!

Partner Reading
We learned how to read with a partner this week!  Partners can read and talk about books together!  This is a great way to share all the cool things we notice while reading independently!  During partner reading we sit next to each other with a book in the middle.

Word Work
We practiced our word wall words through an activity called "Read, Build, Write".

Special Books
We enjoyed some fun fall and seasonal books from our book display!  We also had fun reading the class books we have made :)

Phonics Workshop
We finished learning everyone's special name this week!  We were busy practicing reading names, counting letters, clapping the beats, and writing the letters!  Learning each other's names helps us as readers and writers.  We can think about a sound we want to write and look at our name chart and think ' there a name that starts like my word?'  Today we used names to help us label things in the room.  When Mrs. Hogue wanted to write the label 'soap' she said the word slowly.  She made the /s/ sound and thought that sounds like Summer Daisy and Sammy!  Soap must start with S! Then we all heard the /p/ at the end.  That is P for Parker!  (Many also heard the long O sound in the middle!)  We used the first and last sounds we heard to label things in the room!



Writer's Workshop
Did you know that we are real authors?  We write books and stories each day in Kindergarten just like the grown up authors whose books are in our room!  This week we looked at a popular book called Freight Train by Donald Crews.  Donald Crews teaches about trains in this book by using pictures and labels.  We decided we can do this too!  We all thought of a topic we know a lot about and could teach to others.  We worked hard getting our ideas into our pictures and labels!

We were encouraged to try labeling our pictures with the first letter of our word.  

Next we learned that a writer's work is NEVER done!  In fact, when you think you're done, you've just begun!  Writer's can add to the picture, add to the words, or start a new piece.

We want to carry on the best we can as independent writers!  We talked about what we can do as writers when problems pop up- broken crayons, noisy tables, or what to do when we are 'done'.  We are becoming good problem solvers.    We also each got a cool writing folder to hold all our wonderful work.  We labeled the pockets with a red sticker and a green sticker.  The red sticker means 'STOP'.   These are stories we think we are done with. The green sticker means 'GO'.  These are stories we want to continue next time.  

We also got to share our writing with a partner!  It was fun to learn all kinds of new things this week!

Math Workshop
This week we learned about patterns!  We practiced making ABAB, AABB, and ABC patterns through movements, sounds, and building with pattern blocks!
We learned two new workplaces this week.  The first was "What numeral will win?" The second was revisiting pattern blocks to make patterns!

Please remember book orders are due next Friday, October 11.  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Scholastic Book Order

Dear Families,

Are you looking for a great way to build your child's at home library?  Scholastic books are a great way to do that!  These books are offered to you at great prices.  They also make great gifts.  Each time you buy a book, our class earns points that I can use to purchase books for our classroom library!  I will post book orders frequently throughout the year.  There is no obligation to purchase books.

If you choose to order, the books will be sent to school and I will send them home.  If you want the book to be a surprise or to be a gift please let me know and we can make arrangements.

I sent home a paper copy in your child's mailbox today.  You are welcome to return the order form with a check made out to scholastic books.  You can also use the links below to access the catalogues digitally and order online.  If you have any trouble just let me know :)  Our classroom code can be found below!


Please submit your orders by Friday, October 11. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 4

Here is a peek at our week!

Reading Workshop
Drumroll please...........  we built 10 minutes of independent reading!!!!!!!!!!  We are so excited!  We have been working hard to keep our minds and eyes in the books we read.  We know we can tell a lot about the story by reading the pictures. 

During our shared reading time, we read books with simple patterns using many of our word wall words (a, see, like, the, I).  We practiced reading from left to right and pointing to each word as we read.  

We also began using the picture to help us read the unknown word.  We practiced this by playing 'guess my hidden word'.  Mrs. Hogue covered up a word, and we had to figure out what the word was by using the picture.  Then we checked by looking at the first letter.

We also learned this week about our first reading center- listening to reading.  We used an ipad app called Epic Books.  This app lets us choose stories that are read to us!  We are excited to continue this next week. 

Writing Workshop
This week we took our oral stories and put them to paper!  We each got a booklet and told our stories through pictures across the pages.  Then we shared them with each other!  Great job kindergarten friends!

During our handwriting and fine motor time we continued reviewing capital letter formations.  We focused on the 'frog jump' capitals- F, E, B, P, M, and N.  Kindergarteners should begin these letters at the top.  When they get to the bottom, they 'frog jump' to the top and continue the letter.  Please encourage your kids to write the correct way at home!

We had fun using hole punchers as one of our fine motor bins!  If you're wondering why your child came home with punched paper this is why :)

Phonics Workshop
We had a big week in phonics!  We learned how we all know our names by heart- not just the letters, but also how to write them!  When we know something by heart, we can do it much quicker.  We can also teach others!

We also had fun playing with our names to a silly song called the name game :)  We changed the first letter of our names to make a silly name!  So many giggles filled our room!

Math Workshop
This week we explored 10 frames!  We practiced seeing and counting dots.  We also matched ten frames to numbers.

During our work place time we learned a new game called 'Beat You to 5'. We spun a spinner, counted cubes and placed on our playing mat.  The first one to 5 wins!