Reading Workshop
This week we were introduced to reading centers! These centers will reinforce concepts learned in reading, writing, and phonics workshop. The goal of these centers is for children to be able to work independently. Soon this will be the time when Mrs. Hogue meets with small groups of readers!
Listen to Reading
We continued this center that was introduced last week. We can now get our headphones and iPad and independently log on to Epic! books. This is a great app full of books that are read to us as we follow along. There are a lot of fiction and nonfiction choices! This is definitely a favorite center!
We learned how to read with a partner this week! Partners can read and talk about books together! This is a great way to share all the cool things we notice while reading independently! During partner reading we sit next to each other with a book in the middle.
We practiced our word wall words through an activity called "Read, Build, Write".
We enjoyed some fun fall and seasonal books from our book display! We also had fun reading the class books we have made :)
Phonics Workshop
We finished learning everyone's special name this week! We were busy practicing reading names, counting letters, clapping the beats, and writing the letters! Learning each other's names helps us as readers and writers. We can think about a sound we want to write and look at our name chart and think ' there a name that starts like my word?' Today we used names to help us label things in the room. When Mrs. Hogue wanted to write the label 'soap' she said the word slowly. She made the /s/ sound and thought that sounds like Summer Daisy and Sammy! Soap must start with S! Then we all heard the /p/ at the end. That is P for Parker! (Many also heard the long O sound in the middle!) We used the first and last sounds we heard to label things in the room!
Writer's Workshop
Did you know that we are real authors? We write books and stories each day in Kindergarten just like the grown up authors whose books are in our room! This week we looked at a popular book called Freight Train by Donald Crews. Donald Crews teaches about trains in this book by using pictures and labels. We decided we can do this too! We all thought of a topic we know a lot about and could teach to others. We worked hard getting our ideas into our pictures and labels!
We were encouraged to try labeling our pictures with the first letter of our word.
Next we learned that a writer's work is NEVER done! In fact, when you think you're done, you've just begun! Writer's can add to the picture, add to the words, or start a new piece.
We want to carry on the best we can as independent writers! We talked about what we can do as writers when problems pop up- broken crayons, noisy tables, or what to do when we are 'done'. We are becoming good problem solvers. We also each got a cool writing folder to hold all our wonderful work. We labeled the pockets with a red sticker and a green sticker. The red sticker means 'STOP'. These are stories we think we are done with. The green sticker means 'GO'. These are stories we want to continue next time.
We also got to share our writing with a partner! It was fun to learn all kinds of new things this week!
Math Workshop
This week we learned about patterns! We practiced making ABAB, AABB, and ABC patterns through movements, sounds, and building with pattern blocks!
We learned two new workplaces this week. The first was "What numeral will win?" The second was revisiting pattern blocks to make patterns!
Please remember book orders are due next Friday, October 11. Have a great weekend!
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